Just getting the party pictures downloaded from last night. I met our guests at the door with a cocktail made with wedding cake vodka and pineapple juice and a blackberry in the bottom. I figured if the party stinks it won’t matter if I get them a little tipsy…they won’t remember! I have been moping […]
Party Just in Case the Mayans are Wrong
I need your opinion. Is it ok to plan a birthday party for yourself? I am turning 40 on 12/21/2012 You know, the date the Mayans predict the world will end. So here I am with a birthday that is the first day of winter solstice, and also the shortest day of the year. It is […]
Revenge on a Parent by Way of Birthday Gift for Kid
It just began spewing jelly beans.
They were skipping across the countertops like Mexican jumping beans and then hitting the hard floor and rolling and bouncing everywhere.
I am now cursing it and my amazing friends that bought it.
Super Hero Birthday Party
The idea is that the Super Heros were getting lazy and they needed training camp. The kids all came dresed up as a “Super”. We rented the obstacle course from a picture on the internet the size of my thumbnail.