I need your opinion. Is it ok to plan a birthday party for yourself? I am turning 40 on 12/21/2012 You know, the date the Mayans predict the world will end. So here I am with a birthday that is the first day of winter solstice, and also the shortest day of the year. It is […]
My Boys Gangnam Style
“Gangnam Style” dancing has make my kids into idiots. Did people think people doing the twist were gonzo? Watch the video the boys made and it will explain. I edited it too. They are going to kill me after school! Abbie Gale Follow me by subscribing. I hate talking to myself. allthatmakesyou.com Facebook subscribe: Abbie […]
My “Lucky Pants”
They are awesome. They are python and plastic and PERFECT for a Van Halen concert. And they are lucky. Not in a “get lucky” way but in an even better way. They are my Lucky Brush with a Rockstar Pants.”
“Sexy” is the new “Cute” to 1st graders but not so much their parents…
“Sexy” is the new “Cute” to 1st graders but not so much their parents… I took Peter to the rollerskating school fundraiser I mentioned yesterday. He had a little girl who followed him the entire night. Everywhere. He came up to me and whispered in a desperate voice, “I need a buck!!!! Mom please! Just one […]