Sometimes I long to be part of our mother’s generation. Where being chubby was ok, after you had a gaggle of kids, and driveways were just expected to be dirty. So much pressure, washing. Abbie Gale
Unlovable but Likable
You can use the state of my closet as an indicator to know my current mental status. My closet told me today I was bat-$hit crazy. I have decided if I clean out my closet I will be able to carry on with my Christmas decorating and baking. If, when I am finished, I do […]
Heading Out…
Walked by this on the grocery store shelf. This is the stuff that feeds my soul. Does that mean I’m going to hell? I know God has a sense of humor. I say that more than probably anything. It is way too nice to be inside today so I’m heading out with the kids. I […]