When you have had too many cocktails and are trying to take off your saggy tights she will get down on the floor and yank them off by the toes, (and then display them in your house for you to find the next day.) That is a good friend that can be both helpful and bad at the same time.
Wearing other peoples ugly shoes
I am not a big fan of bowling. Growing up in Michigan there wasn’t much to do for the nine long months that winter lasted. Most of my bowling memories involve being dropped off in a smokey bowling alley playroom (kid jail) while the adults drank played on their league.
“Mrs. Neighbor Lady can you teach us to prank call right?”
So when our 12 year old twins decided to prank for the first time they call they call their mom’s girlfriend to practice? Heavy breathing and all? What sweet innocent boys don’t know about is *67. What makes a good friend is one that explains to your son that they know who it is by […]